Pioneer of non-Euclidean geometry ( 1826-1866). (1826-1866)非欧几里得几何的创立者。
It was this concept that Riemann generalized, thereby opening up new vistas in non-Euclidean geometry. 这个概念嗣后为Riemann所推广,从而在非欧几里德几何学中开辟了新前景。
International Society for Geometry and Graphics ( ISGG) of or relating to Riemann's non-Euclidean geometry. 国际几何学与图学学会属于或关于黎曼几何学而非欧几里得几何学的。
The advent of the theory of relativity forced a drastic change in the attitude toward non-Euclidean geometry. 相对论的发现迫使对待非欧几里德几何的态度有激烈的变化。
This paper analyzes the space context of the Kunsthaus Graz designed by Peter Cook and Colin Fournier, try to find the shadow of traditional space in the shape of non-euclidean geometry. 福涅尔所设计的格拉茨美术馆进行空间文脉的分析,试图找到非欧几何形式中传统空间的影子,来说明建筑师是如何继承前人而又有所创新的。
A non-Euclidean geometry in which it is assumed that through any point there are two or more parallel lines that do not intersect a given line in the plane. 假设在平面中同一点上可以有两个或两个以上的平行线不交叉于一个给定直线的非欧几里得几何学。
The discovery of hyperbolic space ushered in the field of mathematics that is called non-Euclidean geometry. 这双曲空间的发现开创了数学领域,就是所谓的非欧几里德几何;
Movement Axiom of Euclid Geometric System and High School Maths Education of or relating to Riemann's non-Euclidean geometry. 欧几里德几何体系中运动与中学教学属于或关于黎曼几何学而非欧几里得几何学的。
In the case of non-Euclidean geometry he published no definitive work. 至于非欧几里德几何,他没有发表过权威性的著作。
Farkas Bolyai ( Wolfgang in German) is remembered today primarily as a friend and lifelong correspondent of Gauss and as the father of J á nos Bolyai, one of the discoverers of non-Euclidean geometry. 法卡斯Bolyai(在德国的沃尔夫冈)记住今天主要是作为朋友和高斯终身记者,作为父亲亚诺什Bolyai,非欧几里德几何的发现者之一。
The paper introduces the one of non-Euclidean geometry-hyperbolic geometry into special theory of relativity. 本文试图将非欧几何之&双曲几何引入狭义相对论。
Janos continued anyway and today is recognized, along with Lobachevsky and Gauss, as one of the discoverers of non-Euclidean geometry; 亚诺什继续反正今天是公认的,随着罗巴切夫斯基和高斯,非欧几里德几何的发现者之一;
A non-Euclidean geometry that regards space is like a sphere and a line is a great circle. 视空间为球而线为圆圈的非欧几里得几何学。
Of or relating to Riemann's non-Euclidean geometry. 属于或关于黎曼几何学而非欧几里得几何学的。
Gaussian Intrinsic differential geometry and non-euclidean geometry 高斯的内蕴微分几何与非欧几何
This essay inquires into the scientific value, cultural value and philosophical significance of non-Euclidean geometry in regard to the influence of non-Euclidean geometry to mathematics, natural science and culture. 结合非欧几何对数学、自然科学及人类文化的影响,探讨非欧几何的科学价值、文化价值、哲学意义。
Some basic theorems on higher dimensional non-euclidean geometry 关于高维非欧几何的几个基本定理
A Non-Euclidean Geometry Electronic Drawing-board 一种非欧几何电子绘图板
As an example, the most important two developments in the history of western art: the Renaissance and the birth of twenty-century modern arts were related with the perspective ( Projective geometry) and Non-Euclidean geometry respectively. 在西方艺术史上两个最重要的发展:文艺复兴和二十世纪现代艺术的诞生,是相应地和当时兴起的透视画法(投影几何)、非欧几何相联系的。
The concept and method of adding a projection plane to AUTO CAD drawing-board and drawing non-Euclidean geometry graph on the board are discussed. 提出了将射影平面叠加到AUTOCAD绘图板上并进行电子非欧几何作图的思想和方法;
Matteo Ricci and the Introduction of Western Non-Euclidean Geometry 利玛窦与非欧氏几何在中国的传播
The Inquiry About the Value of Non-Euclidean Geometry 对非欧几何的价值考察
The first section, we study the history of the occurrence and development of non-Euclidean geometry learning, looking for a place to explain. 第一小节,我们研究了历史上非欧几何学发生和发展过程,并对其出现的滞后性和解决问题的前瞻性进行了发生认识论解释。
Tensor analysis creates on the basis of non-Euclidean geometry and abstract algebra appearance. 正是非欧几何和抽象代数的出现,使得张量分析得以产生。